Ex-councillor Roger Mathew's Home Page

This site has been extensively reorganised (March 2004) with top bar-menus.    Click here to turn them ON or here to turn them OFF.

These pages are written by Roger Mathew, former Independent Borough Councillor for Tavistock (South) Ward 1991-2007, Town Councillor 1987-2003 and former Mayor of Tavistock (May 1999 to May 2000). Any opinions offered are personal ones unless otherwise stated, and do not necessarily represent the position or policy of either Tavistock Town Council or West Devon Borough Council.
Feel free to use this medium to contact me with views or issues.

Here's a site map      (click on a red ball for more info about a link).
Personal stuff: Biographical

Indys' Group Lunch 2011

Mayor of Tavistock
Roger's TAS pages
Tools for TAS programmers
Tavistock - about my home town
Tavistock in pictures (1998)
Tombs & Balloons (1997)
Goose Fair (1997)
Political stuff:
Local Issues:
Political sour grapes? (June 2003)
Milton Abbot (Apr 2003)
Bedford Square (1997-98)
West Devon Borough Council
Devon County Council
Tavistock Town Council
My election blurb 2007, 2003, 1999 and 1995
Other links:
Tavistock Forward
Sophos Virus Info
Misc (not guaranteed)
Complete? Site Map
Site revised 10 Mar 2004 and updated 24 Sep 07

Local Issues

This is where I have a rant about things. You can feed back your own rants to me: I'll publish them as long as they aren't defamatory, together with my own counter-rants as I see fit. So far, not many have taken me up on this. Here are the links again:
Sour grapes? (Jun 03) , Milton Abbot (2003) and Bedford Square (1997-98)

Election blurb

Election addresses since 1995, with links to candidate lists and results.
As a local councillor, I think the Web offers a good way to increase my accountability to the people who elected me. So I have reproduced here the texts from my last three election leaflets, so that I can be measured now against what I said then. I have this crazy notion that if all politicians could be persuaded to do likewise, we might promise less and deliver more.
Does that make sense? Email me if you have a view.
Whatever, here are the links again: 1995, 1999 and 2003

Software commercials

Roger's TAS pages for database programmers. Useful utilities for TAS programmers. Technophobes: AVOID these pages.


West Devon Environmental Network, an independent environmental group, working in partnership with West Devon Borough Council to develop our Local Agenda 21 initiative.

Tavistock Forward

Tavistock Forward, an independent community group, promoting Tavistock and its hinterland through music and food festivals and simlar events. Their web site is worth a visit! Top

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