West Devon Borough Council Election 4th May 1995
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Roger Mathew's Election Address
May 1995
In 1987, you first elected me to the Town Council. In 1991, you re-elected
me, and also elected me to the Borough Council. To help you decide
whether you want me on the council for another term, here are some
of the things I have done. I have:
If you want me to continue this work, please vote MATHEW for Tavistock Town and West Devon Borough Councils on 4th May.
Published by R W Mathew, Willowby, Down Road, Tavistock, Devon
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Join the club! Political parties want to use your local councils as a political campaigning platform. West Devon Council is Independent, with roughly equal numbers of broadly left-wing and broadly right-wing members. As a result, it has:
Don’t take my word for it. Look for yourselves. Have you noticed the huge number of fairly minor, but very disruptive road-digging schemes, like the awful chicane in Horrabridge, forced through by a LibDem Borough Councillor, that have sprung up all over Devon in the last month or two? Ask yourselves how many of these are really essential. Could they be using up spare money which ought to have been given to schools? On 16 February, the controlling (Lib/Lab) group at County Hall voted AGAINST taking £1-million from the minor highways budget and £3-million from other discretionary activities to give to schools. That’s a FACT, and a matter of public record. Now they will use the education crisis which they have themselves engineered as a major part of their campaign to gain votes.
Independent councils, like West Devon, achieve things quietly, and reject politically-motivated tactics.
Both LibDem and Labour Groups will pedestrianise Tavistock and remove parking from Bedford Square: first Brook Street, then West Street, then Bedford Square. NONE of the sitting Independent councillors have supported this. If you want to keep Tavistock free for shoppers’ traffic
Published by R W Mathew, Willowby, Down Road, Tavistock, Devon
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More of Roger's 1995 election blurb - the Horrabridge chicane.
What actually happened in May 1995.