Roger Mathew's Election Links 2003

Here is a site map to help you navigate to all the stuff here which I hope will help you to decide whether you want me to represent you for another four years on West Devon Borough Council.

Whatever you decide about me, please use your vote. If you don't you will get the councils that you don't vote for.

The election is on Thursday 1 May 2003.

Introduction (back to the start) My Record Independent Councillors & Councils Home
Election Issues: My Views on Issues My Comments on others' Websites & Views A Fabricated Issue?

Lies, Damned Lies and Election Literature (1 May 03)

You can judge my long term record by looking at these links: What I said in 1999 What I said in 1995
Candidate lists as at 1 April 2003 and results on 1 May West Devon Borough Council Tavistock Town Council What happened in 2003?
Email Roger Mathew Feedback

Published as an Internet document by R W Mathew, Willowby, Down Road, Tavistock, Devon