The Gulworthy Cut Survives - Until next time.

Home Page Site map for this story: Main Gulworthy Story How to object Notice of Closure
Alas, a new threat:
July 2004

Final update - 20 Feb 04:
At a well-attended meeting of the West Devon HATOC (Highways & Traffic Orders Committee) at 2:15 pm today in Okehampton, the weight of objections received from you, the public, persuaded the highways officer to recommend deferring implementation of the traffic order.
The committee agreed to defer the Order.

The hassle may not be quite all over yet, though. Here are the detailed recommendations that were agreed:

It is recommended that members consider whether the proposed Prohibition of Motor Vehicles Order is deferred and the site monitored.

It is recommended that the minor road network in the area be reconsidered along with the proposed improvement at Gulworthy Cross.

It is also recommended that officers consider and, if possible, implement cost effective measures to keep traffic to its correct lane so the double white lines at the end of New Bridge are not over-ridden, and to re-assess and amend the signs at the Gulworthy Cottage junction if they consider changes are appropriate.

HATOC agenda and minutes can be found at:
The devil is, as always, in the detail. First, "deferred" means that the Order remains valid for 2 years and need not be readvertised if it is subsequently decided to implement the Order.
Second, it is by no means impossible that, as part of the proposed improvement at Gulworthy Cross, the notion of closing the short cut could be reintroduced. That will depend on the accident record. If there are no more injury accidents associated with the short cut, it will survive. So the message there is take care , especially at the top, where rear-end shunts have caused all this schemozzle in the first place.
Third, it is quite likely that the build-out at the bottom of the hill will be reinforced or modified to make it more difficult to take a run at the hill. There is therefore a danger that the little strip of double-lineage may be more rigorously enforced. You have been warned.
I take some comfort from this story and its outcome. It shows that public participation in the democratic process can work and does sometimes change the minds of councils and their officers. I hope that the publicity that I gave to the issue on this web site helped to persuade some people to write in: it was the strength and numbers of objections that persuaded officers to go out and look again. They found and reported that some 75% of the traffic eastbound on the A390 uses the short cut. Without all the letters and email to the County Solicitor, the Order would have been confirmed and the Gulworthy Cut lost.
Home Page Site map for this story: Main Gulworthy Story How to object Notice of Closure
Alas, a new threat : July 2004

20 Feb 04
Updated 14 Jul 04