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Liberal Democrats FocusPrinted by T&WDLD, 13 St James St Okehampton, Published and Promoted by Alex Wood on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, all at 4 Kilworthy Hill, Tavistock PL19 0DPAlex Wood * Terry West * Peter Aizlewood
Motherhood & apple pie.
I don't generally get into personal slanging matches, but, as you will see, this is a classic of that genre, so just for once, I'll show you, now that the election is over, what I could have spread around if I had used Lib Dem tactics against them. None of these guys lives in Tavistock South Ward. Alex lives in North Ward, Peter lives in Yelverton and Terry in Horrabridge.
It's hard to see what this has to do with a local council
election. Local Income Tax has been Lib Dem national policy since Pontius
was a Pilot. You didn't have to "vote Lib Dem" for them to
"take it nationally". Don't they have anything to say? This
stuff is just regurgitated old hat.
The reality is that, huff and puff as they may, Lib Dems aren't
even close to being in contention for national government. The
best they can hope for is to make a moderate showing in local
elections in a few isolated, mostly rural, areas. This stuff is
just padding. They churn out so much yellow paper that they
have to fill it with something.
All too often, they fill it with "knocking copy". As I am now
demonstrating, that isn't difficult to do. As I hope I'm
also demonstrating, it's meaningless drivel. The difference
between them and me is that I'm admitting that I'm deliberately
doing just that, in order to make the point. Moreover, I'm
doing it after the election, so that maybe
some of you will remember for next time. Claiming Credit - another Lib Dem SpecialityIt is true that Lib Dems in the 1991-95 and 1995-99 Borough Councils raised the profile of recycling and have supported and contributed to the work done by others to increase it. In the 1999-2003 council, an Independent and a Conservative councillor have been particularly active in carrying the work forward, with all-group support. Progress has not been "slow". Plastics are already on the agenda for recycling in West Devon. It will happen anyway and I have little doubt that the LD campaign group knows that. Makes good copy to appear to create a campaign for it, though, doesn't it?We've all tried to get the County Council on board on highways issues. How about Bedford Square and the Grenofen Gateway? Where were the Lib Dems when I was fighting those? Not on my side - which was, by a very large majority, your side. Click here to see how duplicitous the Lib Dem approach to Grenofen has been. Affordable housing is a very complicated issue. This statement is broadly true, but both policy and West Devon Homes are in place to address it. Lib Dems have been part of the West Devon team at the heart of it, but they aren't the only ones and shouldn't try to look as though only they are doing anything about it.
Alex Wood may say what he pleases (as long as
he doesn't defame people like me with untruthful insinuations),
but the answer to his question is "Yes",
actually. The 1999-2003 council has put in place the 40% social
housing policy into the Local Plan (now at Public Enquiry as I
write) and my Planning Committee is actually implementing it
where it applies. Click
here for WDBC's web site, whence you can follow the links to
the Local Plan pages if you don't want to take my word for
Fair comment? |
Here is the back page - the one that I am complaining about. Click here to go straight to the damaging insinuation.
What our 3 opponents cost youOur 3 opponents are a "local" Tory [is it possible to have a team with 5 different names?!], a Tory party member who is an "Independent", and an "Independent" who regularly votes with ... well, you know who ...
Lib Dems proposed 2.8% at Town and Borough, the only group to do so. Lib Dems fought these cuts. We will restore them all. We will immediately review this project. Nothing justifies this amount. No alternative community uses were considered by the Tories/Con-dependents.
Christine Channon, Tory Leader at Devon County Council. How Borough Planning fails TavistockOne of our opponents has been Chairman of the Borough Planning Committee for 4 years. There "is no big local issue", he says. If re-elected, he says, he "will devote more time to his duties as Chairman". He needs to! What about these Tavistock decisions?
Fair Comment?This is political "fair comment" in a legal sense, though the author would actually be hard-pressed to find evidence that either of the Independents he is slagging off "regularly" vote with any political group, or even with each other.Here we go ... "Con-"dependent again. The only "con" is the one that the LibDem literature always tries to con you with. It just ain't true, folks. If I hear it much more often, I'll name the paid-up members of the Lib Dem party that have sat as Independent members of West Devon Borough Council in recent years. I could name a few others that have regularly voted with the LibDem group, too.
As to the issues: the figures are wrong and half of the
facts aren't true, either. Drake Road offices: click here for more about this. The Mayor had no authority to do other than sign contracts to give effect to a decision of Council. This is just puff and bluster. Devon County. So what did County Councillor Roy Connelly do about it? The leaflet is silent on that point. Why?
Now here's the bit that lams into me.Good stuff, this!The first 4 points are valid debating issues, though they typically miss the planning issues, just as J Burnett MP did when he weighed in on the emotive side of the Milton Abbot school issue because it looked good, even though it was totally wrong in planning terms. We've "stood up to" the Bank Building's developer, who wanted to ruin the facade with a shop front. Yet this leaflet implies only LibDems stand up to developers. You can't have it both ways, sport! The Town Hall is listed and subject to the same planning issues as private developers with listed buildings. Should we treat the Town Council differently? There's an element of truth in this, but it ain't that simple. First, you have to have the policy in place: the Local Plan Public Enquiry is still running; then you have to have the development to pay for it, which raises other issues that LDs have a heap of trouble grappling with. Down Road. This is a straight lie. Click here to see the truth and why I am taking legal advice. My name for "Area Planning" is "Nimby's Charter". Your Planning Committee is a Borough Planning Committee. It's another con, just like the Con-dependent label that they throw around like confetti. Note they say only that they will "demand" it. Why don't they say "if elected, we will set up area planning"? Is this an attempt at an "honest" con. It is actually very unlikely that Lib Dems, once elected, would actually do this, because it would expose them too much when they have to make hard decisions. They hoped it would be a good vote-catcher, I suspect (but can't prove) that it would have been quietly fogotten had they got control of WDBC. Mercifully, they didn't, so we'll never know. |
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