The Planning process is also critical in achieving new "affordable" housing projects. True Council Housing is now a thing of the past, but low-cost - usually rented - housing is a priority for West Devon, because we have so little of it, despite our relatively low-wage economy. The way it works is that, by incorporating in our Local Plan Revision (adopted in March 2005) a requirement that developers make at least 35% of their developments available to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs, eg Housing Associations), we increase the social housing stock of the Borough. It is hard to put a figure on the total value of this, but, given the scale of new development, it runs into tens of millions already and is set to run into hundreds of millions as the process continues.
Finally, WDBC achieved for Tavistock and its environs the distinction of becoming a World Heritage Site. Whilst I claim no direct personal credit for this - it was largely the work of our Borough Planning Officer - it would not have been possible had West Devon's record been unsound as to the stewardship of our historic buildings. This has been a function of my committee and planning team and I am proud to have been at the helm during this exciting time.