About IPCC
Buried in the text of this document, you will find the following quote:
"The IPCC does not carry out research nor does it monitor climate related data or other relevant parameters. It bases its assessment mainly on peer reviewed and published scientific/technical literature." [My emphasis.]
You may reason, as I do, that this makes IPCC a political (ie not a scientific) body, because it is funded by governments and its influential "Summaries for Policymakers" are written, not by scientists, but by civil servants, who may or may not have a background in the natural sciences. You may choose to reason otherwise: it is your choice.
IPCC site
This is where you find, amongst other things, the "Summaries for Policymakers", that have seemingly been taken by most politicians as proof positive that CO2 is guilty.
Significantly (you may think), you will not find any link to IPCC's "First Assessment Report (1990)". I cannot find it anywhere on the web. Nor can you get a copy from IPCC. It is claimed to be "out of print". When West Devon Borough Council asked IPCC if it knew where we can find a copy of it, the reply was "No, unfortunately I don't have any suggestions. The working groups responsible for their publication at the time, no longer exist."
For the significance of this, read The Hockey Stick - A New Low in Climate Science and draw your own conclusions. If anyone can find a mirror site carrying the IPCC's First Assessment Report, please email me the URL.
If you want to read the First Assessment Report (1990), there is a copy in the British Library. The shelf numbers are GP-WMO/021 (Overview for Policymakers - 119 pages) and GP-WMO/022 (Scientific Assessment of Climate Change - 325 pages). The latter is the one that has the chart that gives the lie to the discredited "Hockey Stick".
Updated 20 Apr 07