Council Tax Comparisons - 1995 to 1999

West Devon Borough Council and Devon County Council

These are the band D Council Tax figures for each major element of the council tax for the last four years.

Perceptive readers may notice that Devon County Council's increase was a modest 2.58% in the County election year of 1996/97, but a whopping 19.43% last year. Could this be a coincidence?

                    1999/2000    1998/99  1997/98   1996/97	1995/96
WDBC                   109.22      106.30   93.76    86.68	 80.55
Police                  53.52       48.30   49.79    45.66	 45.60
County                 616.24      569.01  476.43   451.66	440.30

Total		       778.98	   723.61  619.98   583.34	566.45

% Increases             %            %        %        %
WDBC                   2.75        13.37     8.17     7.61
Police                10.81         3.00     9.05     0.13
County                 8.30        19.43     5.48     2.58

Overall		       7.65	   16.72     6.28     2.98

WDBC cumulative	      35.59	   31.97    16.39     7.61
Overall	cumulative
since 1995/96	      37.52%	   27.74%    9.45%    2.98%

Published as an Internet document by R W Mathew, Willowby, Down Road, Tavistock, Devon